Spanish Sentences using hemos  

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Nosotros no hemos tomado las pastillas.
We haven't taken the pills.
No hemos ganado nada pero era divertido.
We haven't won anything but it was fun.
Nosotros hemos recibido un collar para el perro.
We have received a collar for the dog.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el jardinero.
We have talked to the gardener.
Sí hemos ido, pero Sergio no ha ido todavía.
Yes, we have gone, but Sergio hasn’t gone yet.
Nosotros hemos comido sin lavarnos las manos.
We have eaten without washing our hands.
Nosotros hemos recibido unos extranjeros en el campamento.
We have received some foreign people in the camp.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el guía del viaje.
We have spoken with the tourist guide.
Carlos y yo hemos comido pizza toda la semana.
Carlos and I have eaten pizza all week.
No, no los hemos envuelto todavía, pero ahorita los envolvemos.
No, we haven't wrapped them yet, but we'll wrap them right now.
Nosotros hemos recibido la correspondencia de la sociedad.
We have received the correspondence of the company.
Nosotros hemos hablado con la agencia de seguros.
We have spoken with the inssurance's agency.
Nosotros hemos hablado de los poemas.
We have talked about the poems.
¿Hemos mandado ya las invitaciones a licitación?
Have we sent the bid's invitations?
Hemos recibido una carta.
We have received a letter.
Nosotros hemos recibido al nuevo sacerdote.
We have received the new priest.
Ya nos hemos despedido.
We have already said goodbye.
Nosotros hemos hablado con los soldados.
We have talked to the soldiers.
Nosotros hemos comido pan con jamón y queso.
We have eaten bread with ham and cheese.
Los amigos con los que hemos cenado.
The friends with whom we have dined.
Este es el hombre por cuya estupidez hemos perdido todo.
This is the man whose foolishness made us lost everything.
Luis y yo hemos recibido las pulseras de oro.
Luis and I have received the gold bracelets.
No hemos visto esa exposición todavía.
We haven't seen that exhibit yet.
Le hemos rogado a Benito que nos escriba por lo menos cada mes.
We have begged Benito to write to us at least once a month.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el profesor.
We have spoken with the teacher.
No, no le hemos dicho nada.
No, we haven't said anything to him.
Nosotros hemos estudiado la lección.
We have studied the lesson.
Hemos ido a denunciar el robo a la policía.
We have been to report the theft to the police.
Cómo hemos llegado a ser lo que somos.
I wonder how we have become what we are.
No, siempre hemos comido salsa de tomate.
No, we have always eaten tomato sauce.
Os hemos encargado de las bebidas.
We have entrusted you all with the drinks.
Nosotros hemos ido al cine. Nosotras hemos ido al cine.
We have been to the movies.
Nosotros hemos aprendido las palabras.
We have learned the words.
Nunca hemos tenido ninguna mascota.
We've never had a pet.
Nosotros hemos ido al cine muchas veces este año.
We have gone to the movies many times this year.
Nosotros no hemos podido ayudar a María.
We have not been able to help Mary.
Hemos estudiado hasta las diez de la noche.
We have studied until ten o'clock at night.
Hemos comprado 624 libros.
We have bought 624 books.
Hemos contado 346 coches.
We have counted 346 cars.
Hemos visto 589 manzanas.
We have seen 589 apples.
Nosotros no hemos podido hacer el trabajo.
We have not been able to do the work.
Nosotros no hemos podido comprar los boletos.
We have not been able to buy the tickets.
Nosotros no hemos podido estudiar la lección.
We have not been able to study the lesson.
Nosotros no hemos podido aprender las palabras.
We have not been able to learn the words.
Todavía no hemos concretado la fecha de la reunión.
We still have not specified the date of the meeting.
Hemos seguido durmiendo.
We have continued sleeping.
Nosotros hemos comido frutas.
We haven eaten some fruits.
Nosotros hemos recibido a los alumnos.
We have received the students.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el sacerdote.
We have talked to the priest.
Carlos y yo hemos comido pizza.
Carlos and I have eaten pizza.
Hemos andado todo el día.
We have walked all day long.
Nosotros nunca hemos volado en helicóptero.
We have never flown in a helicopter.
La hemos visto.
We have seen it.
El agente a quien (al cual) hemos escrito.
The agent to whom we have written.
Hemos terminado nuestra relación en buenos términos.
We ended our relationship on good terms.
Nosotros hemos bebido la leche.
We have drunk the milk.
Hemos esperado durante tres horas.
We have waited for three hours.
Nosotros hemos expresado nuestra preocupación acerca de la situación.
We have expressed our concern over the situation.
Hemos alquilado un apartamento en la playa.
We have rented an apartment on the seaside.
Hemos estado no sólo en Madrid, sino también en otros sitios.
We've been not only in Madrid, but in other places as well.
Nosotros hemos ido de camping muchos años, pero estas vacaciones nos iremos a un hotel.
We have gone camping for many years, but these holidays we will go to a hotel.
Nosotros no hemos recibido la transferencia electrónica de fondos.
We haven't received the electronic funds transfer.
Hemos vivido en esta casa cinco años.
We have lived in this house for five years.
Hemos alquilado una habitación doble.
We have rented a double room.
Esta mañana, nos hemos dedicado a sembrar flores.
This morning, we have devoted ourselves to planting flowers.
Ya hemos llegado.
We've already arrived.
No hemos podido hacer la tarea todavía.
We haven't been able to do the homework yet.
Hoy en el trabajo hemos tenido una discusión acerca de tu idea.
Today at work we have had a discussion regarding your idea.
Por fin lo hemos localizado.
We've located him at last.
Siempre hemos admirado una persona sincera.
We have always admired a sincere person.
Nosotros hemos aprendido muchas palabras en la clase.
We have learned a lot of words in the class.
No hemos podido encontrar los repuestos para el auto.
We haven't been able to find the automobile parts.
¡Nosotros hemos gastado todo lo que ganamos!
We have spent all that we made!
¿Hemos llegado ya?
Are we there yet?
Si, hemos aprendido mucho.
Yes, we've learned a lot.
Nosotros hemos roto la ventana.
We have broken the window.
Ya le hemos recomendado a usted que busque un departamento más barato.
We've already recommended that you look for a cheaper apartment.
Hemos adelantado mucho en matemáticas.
We have made a lot of progress in Math.
Nosotros hemos comprado los boletos.
We have bought the tickets.
Hemos recibido su reclamación.
We confirm receipt of your complaint.
No le hemos dicho a qué hora iremos a la playa mañana.
We haven't told her what time we will go to the beach tomorrow.
Nosotros hemos comido en este restaurante.
We have eaten in this restaurant.
Nosotros hemos vendido la casa.
We have sold the house.
Nosotros hemos leído el libro.
We have read the book.
No destruyamos la paz que hemos conseguido.
Don’t destroy the peace we have achieved.
Tenemos costumbres que hemos seguido por años.
We have customs that we have followed for years.
Nosotros hemos escrito la carta.
We have written the letter.
Nosotros hemos abierto la ventana.
We have opened the window.
Nosotros hemos hecho el trabajo.
We have done the work.
Nosotros hemos dicho la verdad.
We have told the truth.
No les hemos dado el dinero todavía.
We have not given the money to them yet.
Les hemos dado el dinero.
We have given the money to them.
Nos hemos bañado.
We have bathed.
No nos hemos bañado.
We have not bathed.
Hemos estado disfrutando del clima.
We have been enjoying the weather.
No hemos perdido el dinero.
We have not lost the money.
Hemos recibido su envío.
We have received your consignment.
Nosotros hemos visitado la iglesia de San Pedro.
We have visited St. Peter's church.
Creo que hemos llegado al fondo del asunto.
I think we've got to the bottom of things.
Ya hemos comido.
We have already eaten.
Hemos peleado, hemos discutido y hemos llegado a un acuerdo.
We have quarrelled, engaged in discussion and reached agreement.
No hemos retrocedido; no nos hemos mantenido estancados: hemos avanzado.
We did not move backwards; we did not stand still; we moved forward.
Hemos alcanzado un acuerdo, hemos ganado algo.
We have achieved a compromise and made certain gains.
Hemos de atenernos a lo que hemos decidido.
We must keep to what we have decided.
Hemos dado algunos pasos y hemos avanzado.
We have achieved certain steps and we have move forward.
Hemos hecho todo lo que hemos podido.
We have done our best.
Los hemos nombrado, los hemos seleccionado.
We nominated and selected them.
Hemos fracasado, y hemos fracasado miserablemente.
We failed, and failed miserably.
También lo hemos logrado.
This is in place too.
Así lo hemos hecho.
This is something we have borne in mind.
¿Dónde hemos avanzado?
So how far have we come?
Hemos hablado del chocolate.
We have just been talking about chocolate.
Hemos argumentado nuestra postura.
And we have given our reasons.
No hemos recibido ninguna solicitud.
No applications have been filed.
Hemos de reaccionar.
So it is imperative that we react.
Hemos querido tener menos.
We wanted to have fewer overall.
Hemos tenido muchas intervenciones.
We have taken the floor on many occasions.
Hemos de ser francos.
We need to be candid.
Hemos comprendido muy bien.
This is something we have taken on board.
Nosotros hemos decidido repetirnos.
We have opted to repeat ourselves.
Sufrimientos hemos visto muchísimos.
We have seen an enormous amount of suffering.
¿Cuántas resoluciones hemos adoptado?
How many resolutions have we adopted?
Hemos conseguido ese equilibrio.
We have got that balance right.
Hemos de seguir investigando.
We have to keep looking.
¿Y qué hemos descubierto?
And what did we learn?
Hemos concluido este debate.
We have reached the end of this debate.
Hemos suprimido categorías.
We have got rid of some categories.
Hemos de regularlo.
We must legislate for that.
No hemos zanjado la cuestión.
We have not solved the problem.
Así hemos trabajado.
This is the way we have operated.
Por tanto, hemos progresado.
We have therefore made progress.
Hemos cumplido nuestras promesas.
We have kept our promises.
No hemos acabado las reformas.
We have not finished the reform.
Siempre lo hemos dicho.
We have consistently pointed this out.
Ambos lo hemos resaltado.
Both of us have emphasised that here.
Nos hemos abstenido.
We abstained from the vote.
Hemos de dejarles sitio.
We must give them the floor.
Hemos vuelto a proponerlo.
We have therefore re-tabled it.
Hemos de establecer criterios.
We must set standards here.
Hemos de atenernos a esto.
All we have to do is stick to it.
Hemos votado en contra.
We have voted against it.
Siempre nos hemos equivocado.
We have been wrong every time.
Entretanto, hemos avanzado mucho.
We have made a lot of progress in the meantime.
Ya hemos esperado demasiado.
We have already waited too long.
La hemos exigido.
That is what we have called for.
No lo hemos hecho.
We have not done that.
Hemos hablado de economía.
We have talked about the economy.
Hemos hecho nuestras tareas.
We have done our homework.
Hemos permitir que continúen.
We need to make sure that they are allowed to continue.
Luego hemos de presionar.
We must therefore put the pressure on.

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