Spanish Sentences using curioso
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The ¡Caso curioso!
This is really very strange!
Lo encuentro curioso.
I found that remarkable in itself.
El comportamiento es curioso.
This is a strange way to behave.
Y digo que es curioso.
As I said, this is curious.
Es curioso que hayan tardado tanto.
Remarkably, they have not done so before now.
Sería muy curioso si lo hicieran.
It would be a very curious thing for them to do.
Es un curioso concepto de la movilidad.
This is a strange understanding of mobility.
Nos parece este un hecho sumamente curioso.
We would like to know if the Commissioner understands why the authorities are behaving in this way.
Todo esto me resulta un tanto curioso.
All this seems to me to be a little strange.
Es curioso, porque esos partidos europeos apenas existen.
This is highly peculiar, for those European parties hardly exist.
A mí me parece un poco curioso esta forma de proceder.
This way of doing things seems rather odd to me.
Por lo tanto, abogo por que suspendamos este curioso debate.
I am therefore in favour of abandoning this curious debate.
El informe Sterckx nos deja, en definitiva, un curioso sentimiento.
In the final analysis, therefore, the Sterckx report leaves a strange feeling.
Pensé que el razonamiento era un tanto curioso.
I held the view that the reasoning was, nonetheless, slightly odd.
Es muy curioso que se muestre débil en estos asuntos.
It is very odd that it should be weak on these matters.
Lo curioso es que el Parlamento Europeo esté de acuerdo.
The strange thing is that the European Parliament is also going along with that idea.
Lo más curioso es el contraste con el Consejo.
The curious point is the contrast with the Council.
Es curioso que no se haga nada allí al respecto.
It is remarkable that nothing has been done there yet.
El último punto se refiere a un tema curioso.
My last point is a curious one.
Resulta como mínimo curioso y me gustaría recibir aclaraciones al respecto.
That is curious, to say the least, and I should like some further information on this point.
Señor Presidente, nuestro debate de esta mañana es muy curioso.
Mr President, our debate this morning is rather curious.
Es curioso cuán despreocupados somos a veces en Europa con los alimentos.
It is remarkable how casual we in Europe sometimes are about food.
Señor Presidente, estimadas y estimados colegas, estamos desarrollando un debate muy curioso y también cínico.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, it is a quite remarkable as well as a cynical debate that we are holding here.
Al observar las prioridades, resulta curioso ver que se conservan once de las dieciocho directrices originales.
Looking at the priorities, it is funny to see that some eleven remain of the original eighteen guidelines.
Lo curioso es que se diga que la realidad es todo lo contrario.
What is curious is that the opposite is presented as being the case.
El aspecto más curioso es el relativo a la previsión de pagos con cargo a los Fondos estructurales.
The strangest aspect of the budget has to do with the budgeting of Structural Funds payments.
El señor Lukashenko predica un curioso nacionalismo paneslavo y antioccidental, con un culto a la personalidad añadido.
Mr Lukashenko preaches a curious pan-Slavic, anti-Western nationalism, with an added cult of personality.
Es curioso que todas las propuestas empiezan por «Apoyo la libre circulación de trabajadores, pero....»
It is remarkable how every one of the proposals begins with the words ‘I support the free movement of workers, but …’.
En lo que respecta a la cultura lituana, podría poner muchos ejemplos que interesarían a cualquier europeo curioso.
As far as Lithuanian culture is concerned, I could give many examples which would interest every curious European.
Me pareció muy curioso, ya que Europcar funciona en todos los nuevos Estados miembros.
I found that very strange because Europcar operates in all the new member countries.
Su puerta siempre estaba abierta, siempre curioso, para escuchar, aconsejar y dar su opinión.
His door was always open. He was always curious to hear people’s views, to give advice and to express his opinion.
(FR) Señora Presidenta, permítame resaltar el aspecto curioso de este procedimiento de consulta parlamentaria.
(FR) Madam President, please allow me to stress the curious aspect of this parliamentary consultation procedure.
Me parece curioso que la AESA necesitara tres meses para evaluar el estudio Séralini.
I find it curious that EFSA needed three months to evaluate the Séralini study.
El nivel de resistencia a los derechos de los viajeros resulta un hecho curioso.
The degree of resistance to rail passengers' rights is a somewhat curious thing.
Resulta curioso que Hamás haya bombardeado incluso el paso fronterizo de Khani.
Bizarrely, Hamas has even been shelling the border crossing at Khani.
Y lo más curioso es que tenemos algo bueno que contarles.
And the amazing thing is that we have a positive story to tell.
Por tanto, resulta curioso que el Gobierno de Reikiavik esté llorando con lágrimas de cocodrilo.
Curious, then, that the government in Reykjavik is now shedding crocodile tears.
De modo que tuvo un efecto curioso y suscitó el debate.
So it had an interesting effect on raising the debate.
Es curioso que el Consejo no recorte nunca los programas de energía nuclear o fusión nuclear.
It is striking that the Council never makes cuts in nuclear energy or nuclear fusion programmes.
Señor Presidente, es curioso que precisamente quienes hablan mi lengua no comprendan al parecer mis palabras.
Mr President, it is very interesting that those Members who speak my language are the very ones who apparently misunderstand what I say.
Es curioso asimismo porque la Unión Europea se jacta de ser un organismo democrático.
It is also curious because the European Union has some claims to be a democratic body.
Es curioso pues que esta Asamblea se reúna sin que podamos entenderlo.
It is strange that Parliament sits and we cannot understand you.
Lo curioso es que la Sra. Fraga, en la posición española, invierte la situación actual.
What is curious is that Mrs Fraga Estévez reverses the traditional Spanish position.
Estoy curioso por saber cómo se administrarán los fondos en concreto.
I am curious to see how the funds will actually be managed.
En un aparte, resulta curioso que sean principalmente mujeres las que se han quedado a este debate.
As an aside, it is curious that it is mainly women who have stayed for this debate.
He estado sentada esperando pacientemente y me parece bastante curioso que no me haya llamado usted.
I have sat here patiently and I find it quite extraordinary that you are not calling me.
Sí fue curioso que hubiera tantos sectores que se excluían de la directiva de 1993.
What was strange was that so many sectors were taken out of the scope of the 1993 directive.
Un curioso partidario de esta idea se halla en la extrema izquierda del Parlamento.
This is strangely voiced at the extreme left of this Parliament.
Señor Presidente, es bastante curioso que estemos viviseccionando los documentos del Consejo inmediatamente después de la Cumbre.
Mr President, it is rather odd that we find ourselves dissecting Council documents the day after summit meetings.
Es curioso que ahora pida a la antigua oposición que resuelva este problema, pero de todas formas transmitiré su mensaje.
It is interesting that you should now ask the former opposition to organise this, and I will certainly pass on the message.
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