Spanish Sentences using bastantes
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The There are plenty of compartments for non-smokers.
They were investing lots of hours on that project.
He visto bastantes.
I have seen quite a few of them.
Ya son bastantes.
There are enough of them.
Posiblemente, estaríamos solucionando bastantes conflictos.
This would probably be a solution to many conflicts.
Existen bastantes enmiendas al respecto.
There are quite a few amendments about this.
Ya han ocurrido bastantes cosas.
Quite a lot has happened.
Desafortunadamente todavía quedan bastantes desafíos.
Unfortunately, enough challenges still remain.
Rusia tiene ya bastantes problemas.
Russia has enough problems as it is.
Quisiera repetir tres veces mi argumento principal: no hay bastantes fondos, no hay bastantes fondos, no hay bastantes fondos.
I would like to make my main point three times. There is not enough money.
He leído bastantes informes anteriores con propuestas interesantes.
I have read several previous reports containing interesting suggestions.
Hay bastantes puntos positivos en el informe.
The report makes a number of good points.
Aquí hay bastantes detalles que pulir.
The devil is trying to hide in the detail here.
Esto se observa en bastantes Estados miembros.
This is observed in quite a number of Member States.
Señor Presidente, afortunadamente hay bastantes noticias buenas.
Fortunately there is a fair amount of good news, too.
Hay bastantes factores de este tipo.
There are quite a number of these factors.
No obstante, criticamos bastantes puntos concretos del informe.
However, we are critical of quite a few individual points in the report.
Creo que eso causaría bastantes problemas.
I think that would be very problematic.
Hemos tenido bastantes reuniones y conferencias.
We have had quite a few meetings and conferences.
También en Grecia hemos tenido bastantes problemas.
We in Greece, too, have had a lot of difficulties.
Hay bastantes temas y problemas por debatir.
There are plenty of issues and problems to debate.
El informe Blak contiene bastantes indicaciones para la Comisión.
The Blak report contains many positive statements with regard to the Commission.
Lamentablemente, encuentro que hay bastantes contradicciones en el informe Miranda.
Unfortunately, the Miranda report contains a few contradictions.
La Comisión Europea va a examinar bastantes de entre ellas.
The European Commission will examine a good number of them.
Sólo por razones de responsabilidad, bastantes empresas no querrán utilizarlo.
Not very many firms would make use of it solely as a way of behaving responsibly.
Circulan bastantes informaciones erróneas sobre el contenido de las propuestas.
There is some misinformation about the content of the proposals in circulation.
Es evidente que todavía hay bastantes cosas que mejorar.
There is still very significant room for improvement.
Hay bastantes referencias para ello y muchos motivos para defenderlo.
There are many references for it and many reasons to defend it.
Al mismo tiempo, criticamos bastantes soluciones propuestas por la Comisión.
At the same time, we are critical of quite a few of the Commission’s proposed solutions.
Al mismo tiempo, criticamos bastantes soluciones propuestas por la Comisión.
At the same time, we are critical of quite a few of the Commission’s proposed solutions.
Este informe recoge bastantes propuestas que no podemos apoyar en absoluto.
This report contains quite a few proposals that we absolutely cannot support.
Hubo bastantes propuestas, lo cual es, sin duda, positivo.
There were quite a number of proposals, which is certainly positive.
Hemos tramitado ya bastantes quejas a través de él.
We have referred quite a number of complaints to it.
Ha habido bastantes intervenciones elogiando el mandato y sus éxitos.
There have been quite a few speeches here appraising the term and its success.
La cuestión no es esa: la Unión ya tiene bastantes competencias.
That is not the issue here: the Union already has a good deal of competence.
En 2005 y 2006 fueron liberados bastantes activistas destacados.
A considerable number of high-profile activists were released in 2005 and 2006.
En la actualidad, hay bastantes diferencias entre nosotros.
At present there are considerable differences between us.
(DE) Señora Presidenta, hoy tenemos bastantes votaciones importantes.
(DE) Madam President, we have quite a large number of important votes today.
Ya conocía estos problemas desde hace bastantes años.
I have known about these problems for very many years.
No cuenta con bastantes objetivos concretos y se necesitan muchos más.
There are not enough concrete objectives and more of them are needed.
También se requiere imponer tributos bastantes altos al anhídrido carbónico.
It also requires a very high carbon tax.
Pero también se han aportado bastantes argumentos en contra.
But there are quite a number of arguments against it.
También queda claro que hay bastantes propuestas que no podemos aceptar.
It is clear from this that we cannot accept a large number of the amendments.
¿Hacemos bastantes esfuerzos para dar a conocer nuestra labor?
Are we trying hard enough to make our work public?
A pesar de todo, el ponente atribuye bastantes competencias a la Unión.
Nevertheless, the rapporteur still feels that the Union has certain responsibilities here.
Sin embargo, estos próximos meses vamos a oír bastantes palabras poco amistosas y va a haber bastantes debates subidos de tono.
However, over the next few months a few more harsh words and a lot of hard talk will take place.
Es decir, los acusa de no haber cerrado bastantes empresas y de no haber despedido a bastantes trabajadores, como ocurrió en el caso de la industria griega del acero.
In other words, it accuses it of failing to close enough companies and make enough workers redundant unlike, for example, the Greek steel industry.
Yo he negociado con bastantes personas de la Administración de los Estados Unidos.
I have negotiated with many people from the United States administration.
Así que informes hay bastantes. Todos están traducidos a todas las lenguas posibles.
So there is no shortage of reports and they have all been translated into every possible language.
Veo que hay bastantes miembros que desean solicitar la comprobación de quórum.
I will check if there are sufficient Members present who wish to check the quorum.
Piense que va a tener usted bastantes meses por delante para discutir sobre este tema y explayarse.
Remember that you will have many months ahead to discuss this matter and to speak at length.
Turquía de vez en cuando ha planteado bastantes conflictos en el Egeo.
Turkey has disputed a number of issues in the Aegean at one time or another.
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