Sentence Maker: called  

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I don't know what it's called.
Yo no sé cómo se llama.
He was so worried that he called the doctor.
Estaba tan inquieto que llamó al médico.
Pedro called the Fire Department.
Pedro llamó a los bomberos. -bomberos
You should have called the police immediately.
Usted debió haber llamado a la policía immediatamente.
Arriving at the government office, I called Juan.
Llegando al Ministerio, llamé a Juan.
He called a billion times but he couldn't talk to her. He’s not going to continue to call her.
Llamó mil millones de veces, pero no pudo hablar con ella. No va a seguir llamándola.
I was about to leave when you arrived.
Estaba a punto de salir cuando llegaste.
Who called the police?
¿Quién llamó a la policía?
She was sleeping when he called her.
Ella estaba durmiendo cuando el la llamó.
We had already gone to bed when you called.
Ya nos habíamos acostado cuando llamaste.
I called on you yesterday, but you happened to be out.
Vine a visitarle ayer, pero había salido / pero no estaba en casa.
She had called the President of the United States.
Ella hubo llamado al presidente de los Estados Unidos.
We were eating when you called.
Estábamos comiendo cuando llamaste.
I was studying when you called me.
Estaba estudiando cuando me llamaste.
I will tell Mr. Doe that you called.
Yo le diré al Señor Doe que usted llamó.
He has called us to go with him.
Nos ha llamado para que vayamos con él.
There is a clinic in the south side that is called B.A. Image Center.
Hay una clínica en el sur que se llama B.A. Image Center.
Who called the Fire Department?
¿Quién llamó a los bomberos?
Luisa called me yesterday.
Luisa me llamó ayer.
Suddenly, someone has called me.
De pronto, alguien me ha llamado.
I called you last night but you were not home.
Te llamé anoche, pero no estabas en casa.
The nephews who wanted to kill the uncle were called Claudio and Guillermo.
Los sobrinos que querían asesinar al tío se llamaban Claudio y Guillermo.
The lover whom Matilder thought about was called G.
El amante en quien pensaba Matilde se llama G.
I called Ricardo to say goodbye.
Llamé a Ricardo para despedirme.
Have you called him?
¿Lo has llamado?
Sorry, I've called the wrong number.
Perdone, me he equivocado.
I gave him my phone number but he hasn't called me yet.
Le di mi número de teléfono pero no me ha llamado todavía.
I called to thank you for last night; I had a great time.
Te llamé para agradecerte lo de anoche; me lo pasé fenomenal.
The bank director has called me to offer a very interesting financial product.
Me ha llamado el director del banco para ofrecerme un producto financiero muy interesante.
I called Oscar.
Yo llamé a Oscar.
She called me to invite me to her wedding.
Me llamó para invitarme a su boda.
Nobody's called you.
No te ha llamado nadie.
He's looking for a secretary called Julia.
Busca a una secretaria que se llama Julia.
Has anybody called me?
¿Alguien me llamó?
You called your mom.
Tú llamaste a tu mamá.
What is this called that is here?
¿ Cómo se llama ésto que está aquí ?
She cooked a Spanish dish called "paella".
Ella cocinó un plato español llamado "paella".
She will cook a Spanish dish called "paella".
Ella cocinará un plato español que se llama "paella".
Open the file called 123teachme.doc
Abra el archivo llamado 123teachme.doc.
They had been waiting for an hour when I called them.
Hacía una hora que esperaban cuando los llamé.
Pedro pursued the thief while his brother called the police.
Pedro persiguió al ladrón mientras su hermano llamaba a la policia.
I called the police.
Yo llame a la policia.
The museum is called "El Prado".
El museo se llama "El Prado".
I believe that the medicine is called "Zithromax."
Yo creo que la medicina se llama "Zithromax."
Do you know if Pedro called Ana yesterday?
¿Sabes si Pedro llamó a Ana ayer?
They had already gone to bed when I called.
Ya se habían acostado cuando llamé.
I was studying when you called me.
Estudiaba cuando me llamaste.
I was studying when Cristina called me.
Estudiaba cuando Cristina me llamó.
Your mom has called.
Tu mamá ha llamado.
He called me in the early morning.
En la madrugada me llamó por teléfono.
Amparo called me this morning.
Amparo me llamó esta mañana.
They called me as soon as they got there.
Ellos me llamaron en cuanto llegaron.
What is this called in Spanish?
¿Cómo se llama esto en español?
My grandmother's dog is called Max.
El perro de mi abuela se llama Max.
You've called the wrong number.
Se ha equivocado.
I believe that the medicine is called "Zithromax".
Yo creo que la medicina se llama "Zithromax".
While they were on vacation their grandparents called them almost daily.
Mientras ellas estaban de vacaciones, sus abuelos les llamaban casi a diario.
He was called Dumbo because of his big ears.
Le llamaban Dumbo por sus grandes orejas.
Why do you always go where you're not called?
¿Por qué te meterás siempre donde no te llaman?
Have you called Grandma?
¿Has llamado a tu abuela?
That is what we have called for.
La hemos exigido.
Is this what we are called to?
¿A esto estamos llamados?
Why was it not called?
¿Por qué no se me ha llamado?
That has been called for before - I called for it myself in 1988.
Esta petición ya se había hecho antes - yo misma la hice en 1988.
That is what would be called for in that situation.
Eso es lo que cabría solicitar en tal situación.
An accommodation is called for.
Se reclama un ajuste.
They should be called to account.
Hay que exigirles que salden sus cuentas.
What action is called for?
¿Qué medidas exige esta situación?
We had called for an investigation.
Habíamos pedido una investigación.
That is what Parliament has called for.
Esto es lo que el Parlamento ha pedido.
That is not being called into question.
No es eso lo que cuestionamos.
That is what we have called for - constantly.
Eso es lo que hemos estado pidiendo, constantemente.
Democracy is called for here.
De por sí, ésta es una exigencia puramente democrática.
But a warning is called for.
Aunque hay que hacer una advertencia.
This is why it is called a democracy.'
Por ello se llama democracia.»
That is something we called for.
Esta es una condición que poníamos.
That is called participation, and it's called democracy, in Europe too!
Esto es participación y esto es democracia, incluso en Europa.
It is called the United Nations, it is not called the United Commission.
Su nombre es Naciones Unidas y no Comisión Unida.
It is, after all, called the United Nations - it is not called the "United Commissions".
Al fin y al cabo se llaman Naciones Unidas - y no "Comisiones Unidas".
We have a chance; it is called 'more Europe'. It is also called 'more United Nations'.
Tenemos una oportunidad, que se llama «más Europa» o también «más Naciones Unidas».
Rapid action is called for!
Hay que proyectar un modo rápido de actuar.
That can hardly be called frivolous.
No es posible llamar a eso falta de seriedad.
Some clarification is probably called for here.
Aquí es necesario aclarar algunos puntos.
This principle is called damage limitation.
Este principio es el de la minimización de daños.
This is called money laundering.
Esto se denomina blanqueo de capitales.
That is why it is called the Community patent.
Por eso se llama patente comunitaria.
The Council should be called to account here.
A este respecto corresponde al Consejo asumir su responsabilidad.
More stringent checks are being called for.
Se piden controles más estrictos.
You have called for one and we agree.
Sus Señorías lo han reclamado y nosotros estamos de acuerdo.
I, myself, called for this in my report back in 1996.
Luego, en Amsterdam, esto se plasmó en una declaración.
Further talks and regulations are called for here.
Aquí es necesario mantener más conversaciones y establecer nuevas regulaciones.
We are waiting for what is called the 'ketchup effect' .
Esperamos el llamado efecto ketchup.
Fast action is called for.
Es pues necesario actuar con gran rapidez.
I have never once called for parliamentary immunity.
Ni una sola vez he invocado la inmunidad parlamentaria.
It is what is called constructive criticism.
Es lo que se llama hacer crítica constructiva.
Legally, they can be called into question.
Legalmente, discutibles.
In the meantime, patience and research are called for.
Entretanto hay que tener paciencia y tenemos que seguir investigando.
We can probably do this with the help called for.
Ahora seguramente podremos conseguirlo mediante la ayuda solicitada.
That is called organised corruption.
Esto se llama corrupción organizada.
This is what is called ENFOPOL 29.
Se trata del denominado Infopol 29.
Criticism should be voiced when it is called for.
Hay que hacer críticas cuando nos las merecemos.
Some reaction to this negative situation is called for.
Es necesaria alguna reacción ante esta nefasta situación.
This was called for back at Amsterdam.
Ya se habló de ello en Amsterdam.
Their hunger is called power.
Su hambre es el poder.
The Commission is being called on to produce an initiative.
La Comisión debe presentar una iniciativa.
That was something called for by all groups in Parliament.
Esta era una exigencia conjunta del Parlamento.
Moreover, European industry has called for this.
Ésta también es la solicitud de la industria europea.
It is and remains the state which is called upon here.
Esto requiere y seguirá requiriendo la intervención del Estado.
That is called habeas corpus.
Eso se llama Hábeas Corpus.
The area was called Bagnoli.
Esta zona se llama Bagnoli.

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