Spanish Word for disobedient  

English Word: disobedient

Spanish Word: desobediente, desmandado
The Spanish Word for disobedient
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Translated sentences containing 'disobedient'
The disobedient children raise their voices to their parents.
Los niños desobedientes les alzan la voz a los padres.

Unfortunately, there is also a direct danger of a war against disobedient Georgia.
Por desgracia, existe asimismo un peligro directo de guerra contra una Georgia desobediente.
They are often beaten up or locked in a room for several days without food for being disobedient.
Con frecuencia reciben palizas o son encerradas en una habitación durante varios días sin comer, por haber sido desobedientes.
All it took was to gather up everything the earth had given, and the "disobedient" population would disappear from its villages, because it did not fit into the system.
Solo hacía falta recoger todo lo que la tierra había producido y la población "desobediente" desaparecería de sus aldeas porque no encajaba en el sistema.
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