Spanish Word for deeply  

English Word: deeply

Spanish Word: profundamente
The Spanish Word for deeply
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Translated sentences containing 'deeply'
To breathe deeply.
Respirar profundamente.
Breathe deeply.
Respire profundo.
His words hurt me deeply.
Sus palabras me hirieron profundamente.
Breathe slowly and deeply.
Aspire despacio y profundamente.

This is, of course, deeply, deeply unacceptable.
Naturalmente, este hecho resulta del todo inaceptable.
That would be deeply regrettable.
Sería muy lamentable.
I am deeply cynical about these.
Soy muy sarcástico al respecto.
We have been deeply saddened by this.
Eso lo lamentamos mucho.
I was deeply moved by that.
Me he sentido profundamente conmovido por ello.
It is not, I deeply regret.
No se refleja, y lo lamento profundamente.
We are deeply sorry about this.
Lo lamentamos mucho.
I deeply agree with that.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
That is what I regret so deeply.
Eso es lo que lamento profundamente.
The debate is a deeply political one.
El debate es profundamente político.
It is a deeply disturbing phenomenon in my own country.
Es un fenómeno profundamente inquietante en mi propio país.
I, like all of you, am deeply shocked.
Eso me chocó profundamente, como a todos ustedes.
What has happened is deeply tragic.
Lo que ha ocurrido es muy trágico.
I find that deeply regrettable.
Tal cosa me parece sumamente lamentable.
I deeply regret that it took so long.
Lamento profundamente que haya llevado tanto tiempo.
I see the sea and reflect deeply.
He visto este mar y he reflexionado mucho.
I deeply regret that this is happening.
Lamento esto profundamente.
The findings were deeply worrying.
Las conclusiones fueron muy preocupantes.
We really do regret that most deeply.
Realmente lo lamentamos profundamente.
The European Union is deeply divided.
La Unión Europea está profundamente dividida.
I deeply appreciate those sentiments.
Aprecio profundamente estos sentimientos.
I was deeply involved in those Conferences.
Yo participé a fondo en ambas.
We deeply appreciate that work.
Apreciamos mucho esa labor.
That is, to say the least, deeply worrying.
Y esto es, como mínimo, profundamente preocupante.
I have to say that I regret that deeply.
Debo decir que lo lamento profundamente.
We are deeply saddened by his tragic loss.
Nos entristece profundamente esta trágica pérdida.
That is something I deeply regret.
Es un hecho que lamento profundamente.
We deeply appreciate all their help.
Les estamos profundamente agradecidos por su colaboración.
These are deeply troubling statements.
Estas declaraciones son profundamente inquietantes.
I think that this is deeply inconsistent and immoral.
Me parece que esto es sumamente inconsecuente e inmoral.
The question is deeply political, not bureaucratic.
La cuestión es profundamente política, no burocrática.
That is a deeply undemocratic attitude.
Es una actitud profundamente antidemocrática.
The problem is not procedural, it is deeply political.
El problema no es de procedimiento sino profundamente político.
This is something I deeply regret.
Y esto es algo que lamento profundamente.
It is deeply in our interest to succeed.
Es mucho nuestro interés por lograrlo.
This is not insurmountable if we are not deeply and directly involved.
El problema no es irresoluble cuando no nos afecta directa y profundamente.
I think it is deeply unfair.
Pienso que es profundamente injusto.
It is time now to examine this more deeply.
Es hora de examinar más profundamente este aspecto.
However, this system is deeply unjust.
Sin embargo, se trata de un sistema profundamente injusto.
I am deeply worried about this major problem.
Estoy sumamente preocupada por este grave problema.
We are all deeply shaken by what has happened.
Estamos muy sorprendidos por lo que ha pasado.
The passivity of the Commissioner is deeply disappointing.
La pasividad de la señora Comisaria es muy desalentadora.
I find that deeply regrettable.
Me parece realmente lamentable.
I sympathise deeply with all the victims and their families.
Comprendo muy bien a las víctimas y a sus familias.
In fact, I bow down deeply before her.
De hecho le manifiesto mi profunda admiración.
You must be deeply unhappy about that.
Ha de estar profundamente descontenta.
We feel deeply for the Japanese people.
Compadecemos de todo corazón a los japoneses.
The situation in Syria is deeply concerning.
La situación de Siria es muy preocupante.
We sympathize deeply with the victims and their families.
Queremos transmitir nuestro más profundo pésame a las familias de las víctimas.
Many are deeply concerned about their future.
Muchos sienten una profunda preocupación por su futuro.
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