Spanish Word for crib  

English Word: crib

Spanish Word: la cuna
The Spanish Word for crib
Now you know how to say crib in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'crib'
Mom wants the baby to sleep in his crib.
Mamá quiere que el bebé duerma en la cuna.
Put her in the crib.
Póngala en la cuna.
The baby will fit in the crib.
El bebé cabrá en la cuna.
Is it a white crib with rails?
¿Es una cuna blanca con barrotes?
The mother put her little girl in the crib.
La mamá acostó a su niña en la cuna.
Don't leave the baby crying in the crib for long.
No dejes al bebé tanto tiempo en la cuna llorando.
The baby doesn't fit in that crib.
El bebé no cabe en esa cuna.

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