English Word: chased
Spanish Word: persiguió
Now you know how to say chased in Spanish. :-)
Translated sentences containing 'chased'
Luis and José would have chased the cat.
Luis y José hubiesen perseguido al gato.
We were chased by a ferocious dog.
Nos persiguió un perro feroz.
I screamed and called for help and chased the perpetrators as far as the park.
Yo pedí ayuda a gritos y perseguí a los culpables a través del parque.
These pupils were greeted with Nazi salutes and were chased by youngsters throwing stones at them.
Estos alumnos fueron recibidos con saludos nazis y unos jóvenes les tiraron piedras.
. Madam President, Daphne is the young woman in Greek mythology who was chased by the God Apollo.
. – Señora Presidenta, Daphne es la joven de la mitología griega que era perseguida por el dios Apolo.
Medical workers who have been bringing them protection against infectious diseases are chased out of the Roma settlements.
El personal médico que les ha estado proporcionando protección contra las enfermedades infecciosas es perseguido y expulsado de los poblados gitanos.
Cross-border e-commerce in financial services is in its infancy and it has not chased prices down to the level of the cheapest Member State.
El comercio electrónico transfronterizo de los servicios financieros está en pañales y no ha conseguido la bajada de los precios hasta el nivel del Estado miembro más barato.
They chased them out, for people who are defending their own territory are far stronger than the aggressors who always come with a bad conscience.
Los han arrojado, pues las personas que defienden su propio suelo son mucho más fuertes que los agresores y que vienen con una mala conciencia.
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More Spanish - English Translations
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