Verb Conjugator
Spanish Verb: quejarse
English Translation: to complain
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Translated sentences containing 'quejarse'
Mis hermanas siempre se quejan de que no tienen qué ponerse.
My sisters are always complaining that they don't have a thing to wear.
Los vecinos se quejaron de nosotros con el dueño.
The neighbors complained to the owner about us.
No sirve de nada quejarse.
There is no point in complaining.
Ella siempre se está quejando.
She is always complaining.
Él nunca se queja.
He never complains.
Ella no me caía bien porque siempre se estaba quejando.
I didn't like her because she was always complaining.
Ella nunca se queja.
She never complains.
Él nunca se queja.
He never complains.
Ellos tienen razón para quejarse.
They have good reason to complain.
No te quejes tanto.
Don't complain so much.
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