Un tren incómodo
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RAMIRO: Quiero llegar de una vez a Mar del Plata.
PAMELA: Paciencia Ramiro, aún faltan unas tres horas.
RAMIRO: Este tren es muy incómodo. Los asientos no pudieron haber sido más duros.
GERMÁN: Es que hemos comprado el boleto más económico. Hay otros vagones más confortables que el nuestro, pero también más caros.
RAMIRO: Encima olvidé traer mi reproductor de mp3.
PAMELA: Tengo una idea chicos. ¡Juguemos a responder preguntas de cultura general! Así se nos hará más ameno el viaje.
RAMIRO: Qué juego más aburrido…
GERMÁN: Pamela, ya sabemos que ganarás tú. Eres la más estudiosa del curso.
PAMELA: Yo no responderé, simplemente haré las preguntas.
Comencemos con una fácil: Ramiro, ¿De qué color es la bandera de Brasil?
RAMIRO: Eso es muy fácil, Pamela. La bandera de Brasil es verde con un rombo amarillo y un círculo azul y blanco en el centro.
PAMELA: ¡Correcto! Has ganado un punto.
RAMIRO: Tengo una idea, el perdedor pagará la cena de esta noche.
GERMÁN: Acepto.
PAMELA: Germán, ¿De qué color es la bandera de México?
GERMÁN: Fácil. Parecida a la de Italia; verde, blanca y roja, a franjas verticales. En el centro lleva un águila.
PAMELA: ¡Exacto! Un punto.
Vamos con algo más difícil. Para ti Ramiro: ¿Cual es la capital de Chile?
RAMIRO: Santiago.
PAMELA: Muy bien. Dos puntos para ti.
Germán, cuál es la moneda de Perú.
GERMÁN: No tengo idea. ¿El peso peruano quizás?
PAMELA: Incorrecto. La moneda de Perú se llama “Nuevo sol”.
Ramiro, vas ganando dos a uno. Dime, ¿cuál es el río más largo del mundo?
RAMIRO: ¡El río Nilo!
PAMELA: Estuviste cerca, pero es incorrecta.
RAMIRO: Pamela, ¿qué dices? Todos saben que el río Nilo es el más largo del mundo.
PAMELA: Fue una pregunta con trampa. Hace un par de años se determinó que el río Amazonas es el más largo del mundo, aunque mucha gente sigue creyendo que es el Nilo.
Germán, ¿qué es un archipiélago?
GERMÁN: Una especie de dinosaurio… creo.
PAMELA: Dios mío. ¡No digas cualquier cosa!
Se denomina “archipiélago” a un conjunto de islas.
Ramiro, ¿cuántos planetas hay en el sistema solar?
RAMIRO: Esta vez no caeré en la trampa. En el sistema solar hay ocho planetas: Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno. Hasta hace poco eran nueve, pero Plutón ya no es considerado un planeta, sino un planeta enano.
PAMELA: ¡Muy bien Ramiro! Has eludido la trampa. Ganas tres a uno.
Germán, ¿quién pintó la “Mona Lisa”?
GERMÁN: Leonardo da Vinci.
PAMELA: Exacto. Tres a dos, continuemos.
Ramiro, ¿quién fue el autor de “Romeo y Julieta”?
RAMIRO: Emm… ¿Frank Sinatra?
PAMELA: ¿Qué estás diciendo Ramiro? Estoy hablando de literatura. Frank Sinatra era un cantante.
“Romeo y Julieta” fue escrito por William Shakespeare.
Germán, tienes la posibilidad de empatar. ¿Quién escribió la novela “Don Quijote de la Mancha”?
GERMÁN: El novelista Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
PAMELA: ¡Bien Germán! Ahora están empatados.
Ramiro, ¿Qué es más pequeño, un átomo o una célula?
RAMIRO: Emmm, un átomo…
PAMELA: Bien, veo has respondido al azar, pero has acertado. Ganas cuatro a tres.
Germán, ¿Cuál es el felino más grande?
GERMÁN: Sin dudas el león; “El Rey de la Selva”.
PAMELA: ¡Correcto!
RAMIRO: ¡Incorrecto Pamela! El león es el rey de la selva, pero el felino más grande de todos es el tigre. Un león grande pesa doscientos cincuenta kilos como máximo, mientras que un tigre grande puede pesar más de trescientos kilos.
Bien, entonces Germán esta noche pagará la cena, y tú, Pamela, ¡pagarás el postre!
Globalisation has contributed to the advancement of economies, technological innovation and improving global standards of living.
You should also handle the pipettes with care as they are expensive and can cause injury if they are smashed. Perhaps, therefore, for Filipinos, social networks and their level of social capital is more salient in terms of an holistic resource which presents them with something more than financial assistance. The burning of fossil fuels is responsible for many environmental issues, such as global warming because the emissions are trapped in the atmosphere, therefore increasing the heat. Though, the quality of air has been improved in Europe over the past decades, there has also been several places where it is persistently degrading being PM, NO2 and O3 the major contributors (Nuria Castell, Liu, et al., 2014). It contains 48 glorious shots of mocha Frappuccino with soy mocha drizzle, protein powder, matcha powder, bananas, strawberries, caramel brûlée topping, vanilla beans, and caramel drizzle Frappuccino chips. The model will be tested while controlling for leader tenure, subordinate tenure, and the amount of time subordinates have worked under their respective leaders, as time involved with the organization has been found to impact the relationships between leadership dimensions and organizational commitment and job satisfaction in employees (Loke, 2001). Since the US Department of Public Health evaluates family planning an governmental programs the abortion rate data is relied on, in public health terms (lee&Sprague,2). Hill and The Kimberly’s came during the major growth of Southern California, which was during the 1880’s. Besides that, AICPA changes the continuing education rules for CPAs to include more credits on fraud detection and help develop educational and training materials for inclusion in college courses and textbooks, as well as training courses for administration and directors. In these areas the probability of earthquakes are very high and they cause damages of intensity of the order of VIII and IX and above. There is no doubt in the antenna headphones, Dicke heard an echo that existed many billions of years ago, was expected to be remnants of the first times of the universe. Then again, Coke's genuine "purchasers" have been neighborhood bottlers who are franchised or are possessed, particularly on account of Coke to container the organizations' items and to whom every organization offers its licensed syrups or concentrates. The superego keeps these two conflicting apparatuses at peace and balanced with one another (Freud, 1966). Going back in time, the historical development of risk assessment and monitoring of policy after surveillance of some US multinational companies (RUMMEL RJ & Heenan, 1978) discovered four methods used for the analysis of political risk: big tours, hands old, Delphi techniques and quantitative methods. This concept created by Carolus Linnaeus influenced how different groups of people were viewed for hundreds of years to follow, being further developed in earlier years by the work of Charles Darwin, and the science of Social Darwinism and eugenics.
Long-established policies intended to force assimilation of Roma Gypsies in communist Eastern Europe, have failed as of today.
This village is populated about 100 families and electricity supply there is very limited .Electricity is one of the very important elements in current life and we all have to thank Mr. Brown. These heavy duty two stage air compressors are largely used in industries for compressed air supply. Bowtie 2 is used for making index of reference genome in this project for aligning reads quickly. After the new immigration policy came into effect in the Bahamas on November 1st, 2014, that states that all citizens living in the Bahamas must have in their possession a passport and other legal citizenship documents to remain in the Bahamas (Mitchell, 2014, para. 34). The presence of bronze swords or horse carriages in the graves, as well as the abundance of fortified settlements might indicate the presence of a warrior-like culture (Ó hÓgáin 2009: 11). The 2013 award-winning entrepreneur also participates in other action sports including snowboarding, mountain biking, race car driving, and a surfing enthusiast. Our government decided to embroil our nation in a foreign civil war that was more of a communist witch hunt than anything. It is also believed that “a more sustainable agriculture which improves the asset base can lead to rural livelihood improvements” (Pretty et al.
History shows that the redistribution of land to landless and land poor rural families can be very effective way to improve rural welfare. Read the temperature of the water into the water in the calorimeter and record as the initial temperature of the water bath.
The judgement Byson J was reviewed extensively by Perram J in ACCC v Air NZ (No 1) [2012] FCA. Yemen has established many agencies responsible for export control in Nuclear, biological, chemical and dual-use items. Land should be held for use, and the cultivator should have a permanent and heritable right of cultivation subject to the over-all interest of the community. More recently, in 2012, Discovery Health’s insurance products have been rated as the leader in the industry in PricewaterhouseCoopers fifth biennial Strategic and Emerging Issues in South Africa. Researchers have shed further light on these conflicting findings by revealing a two-factor structure of the power motivation construct (McClelland, 1970, 1975; Winter, 1973). So in the end, the quarter horse is the result of the crossbreeding between, firstly Arab, Turk and Barb breeds (the descendants of the Thoroughbred) and Barb, Iberian and Arabia breeds (the Chickasaw). Attentional vigilance and response inhibition were associated with small effect sizes that did not differentiate non-dysmorphic FASD groups from controls. For example, during the 2006 congressional elections, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), an organization which is supposed to be politically independent, neglected Democrats while they made public appearances with 18 Congressional Republicans that were campaigning for reelection.
The general conception about mines, from people who don’t know much about the mining industry, is that mines pollute water with all their chemicals that they use in the mining and processing operations. This is to say the issue of food security in Tanzania will be in a tension if immediate measures will not be taken as soon as possible to revamp agriculture which is directly related in poverty reduction. The amount of food we waste as a society more than makes up for any food deficit proposed from curbing industrial practices. Archimedes was frequently quoted in Arabic in relation to mathematics and mechanics, including hydraulic devices such as water clocks. On the other hand, parents in collectivistic cultures value that they will help their children become contributing member of society by connectedness to the family orientation to the larger group, and respect (Santrock, 2014.) Up to now, most of the studies have been reported were related to the mixing of ILs with water [50], amines [52, 53], or other organic compounds [54-56] to improve the CO2 separation performance.