Ratings and Comments for Idipar
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Student ratings for Idipar
Overall Ratings:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


Evaluation from nkafka:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


Evaluation from zainuddin89:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


hi my nameis zain i want to learn spainish pleas help me thanks all freinds
Evaluation from nacastudent2014:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


Evaluation from beatriz:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


Evaluation from henry1:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


Evaluation from carolove22:
Program Quality

Value for the Money


Fun Factor

Student Friendly


Hello dear. How are you doing? I hope you are fine, my name is Caroline Duran. Please I want to know more about you .i hope you are safe for this covid19 ,God is with you contact me on this carolineduran036@gmail.com
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I've studied at Spanish schools in several countries but I have real affection for this one. It's small, and super friendly which makes all the difference. Good value, particularly given very small class sizes, they also throw a mean barbecue party. Only downside is there's not as much going on here as in other countries, e.g. school trips, and facilities although comfortable aren't de luxe. Overall though, if you're going to travel in South America, and get below the skin of a country like Paraguay, this is a great place to learn Spanish - and maybe even a few words of Guarani!