Ratings and Comments for Guadalajara Language Center
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Student ratings for Guadalajara Language Center
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from scottbradbury:

Evaluation from donricardo4202:

Evaluation from Arjanlos:

Excellent school and a recommendation to everyone who wants to learn spanish in Mexico. Was well worth the money and lots of fun. good luck!
Evaluation from frank_the_mf_tank:

Evaluation from boxingbuddha:

GLC is a great school to learn Spanish and learn about Mexican culture. Tlaquepaque is like a village in a large city. The teachers are very friendly and use a variety of teaching strategies to teach vocabulary and grammar. The classes were small- only 1-2 other students- so there was a lot of opportuunity to speak Spanish in the class. We took excursions on Fridays to explore the city as well. I loved my homestay- great food and a great language partner! The director and his assistant are very helpful and offer a wealth of information about transportation and sightseeing.
Evaluation from jdawes:

For anyone looking for a great Spanish school in Guadalajara, I just got back from a great two weeks in Mexico studying at the Guadalajara Language Center (GLC). The center staff was incredibly welcoming and friendly. I studied Spanish for four hours everyday with native Spanish speakers. They were kind people and demonstrated a lot of patience throughout the two weeks. I shared classes with three other student´s max, which allowed for an extremely interactive and personal learning experience. I truly enjoyed my experience studying Spanish in Guadalajara and recommend it to anyone looking for an excellent learning experience!
Evaluation from andrew21:

Guadalajara Language Center exceeds all expectations. The staff is friendly and knowledgable and the classes are excellent. The setting of the school could not be better. Do not waste your time at other schools in Guadalajara, GLC sets the standard. Everything from the environment to the program, it is alaways fun and productive. I would recommened to anyone that wants to learn, have a good time and see the best side of Mexico!
Evaluation from Andres33:

Guadalajara language center is amazing!! I just returned from 2 weeks of intensive spanish lessons and I could not be more happy. I had such a good time and learned so much! The staff is friendly, accomadating and resourceful! My experience exceeded my expectations. Anyone looking to learn a lot and have a good time too should check GLC out!!
Evaluation from adamcollins:

I have really loved my time at GLC! The teachers are top-notch! Highly-qualified, compassionate teachers who really care about their students and who use the most modern and effective methods of teaching. The school has a very friendly, family atmosphere. I have become friends with everyone here! It´s located in a beautifully charming suburb of Guadalajara, where the spirit of Mexico is alive and exhuberant! You can see some of Guadalajara´s best mariachi bands, eat some delicious tacos, and enjoy a margarita (or two) only a few blocks from the school. You can use the Internet free of charge whenever you want, and there is always free coffee and tea - great for those morning classes. I have loved going on side-trips with fellow students and teachers to enjoy everything Guadalajara has to offer! I highly recommend this school to prospective students! Viva Mexico!
Evaluation from prodigy:

Evaluation from chianna16:

Evaluation from lilttlechicken:

Evaluation from loverespecthonesty:

Evaluation from leeniehart:

The Guadalajara Language Center is a great place to take Spanish classes. Not only do you learn a lot of Spanish, you are given advice on things to do locally to better immerse yourself in the culture. The housing that can be rented from the school is also very nice. Clean with all your essential needs. I have rented two different houses from the school and both were within walking distance to the school and the plaza. I highly recommend GLC!
Evaluation from TimEarle:

I took classes at this school for three weeks, 4 hours a day, and it was a wonderful experience. My Spanish has considerably improved thanks to the wonderful teachers I had who made learning Spanish so much fun. They will really adapt to your needs and teach at your level while making sure you are in the right group. The small groups, optional free conversation sessions and famliy stays allow you to get more than enough practice. I was also impressed at how nice the people at school were and how they will really go out of their way so that you can do the things you want during your stay like taking you hiking up a volcano or making sure you know about all the funest events in town. I wish all language schools were this good!
Evaluation from Drewpb:

I spent three weeks this June in Guadalajara. I can not recommend this program enough. The teachers and the methods they use are very helpful; I learned more in three weeks from them than from a year of self-study. The program does a great job at not just teaching the language, but giving you opportunities to immerse yourself in the culture of Mexico. If you're looking for a place to learn Spanish and also have a great time, this is the place for you.
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In four weeks, I learned enough Spanish to get live, get around and conduct quite decent conversations. Excellent program!