Ratings and Comments for Intereuropa
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Student ratings for Intereuropa
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from bejackson:

Evaluation from wbrown:

There is always something going on; theaters, art galleries, nightlife, we never slept!
Evaluation from Carla:

Evaluation from carlas:

I learned a lot and having fun. Thank you!
Evaluation from ronyllmarar:

muy bointa y estupiendo
Evaluation from rdkelly:

Cramped rooms. Ridiculous teaching method. Zero flexibility to work with students. Dont care if student is learning or not, they move on with the class. Obvious after trying to work with the managers, that they are much more concerned about getting your money than ensuring that you learn the language. Very poor school for learning spanish.
Evaluation from mmsangild:

Evaluation from lynngarcia:

Hi, How are you doing?. I am Lynn Garcia, from the USA, I am a single female Looking for friendship to learn Language and culture. I saw your profile and picked up interest. Let's connect and learn a language. I am willing to teach you fluent English. I normally be on this site get back to me directly on my Email; lynngarciia@gmail
Popular Phrase: ser vs. estar games | Spanish Fruits | Conjugated Verb: crecer - to grow [up] [ click for full conjugation ]
Extraordinary! The weather was absolutely perfect.