Ratings and Comments for CENAC
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Student ratings for CENAC
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from crichter:

Evaluation from CENACSpanishSchool:

Thank you to everyone at Escuela CENAC. My Spanish inproved much more quickly than I had hope or expected, while the lessons were always interesting and enjoyable. I hope to come back! Simon Stevens simon.m.stevens@gmail.com
Evaluation from Annabel:

I had an amazing experience with Cenac! The teachers there accommodate the lessons for each student's needs and interests. We never had a boring lesson! Obviously, you will not be staying in a 5 star resort, but the town's rich history certainly make up for it. I highly recommend this school as it is not only a great school, but a great value.
Evaluation from lynnmeadows:

I had a wonderful experience here and would love to go back. The climate in Estele is most comfortable, the city is very interesting, the people are very friendly. My private teacher was excellent. The administration bent over backwards to be sure that I was comfortable and well taken care of. The family guided and helped me acclimate to the culture and neighborhood. This was a very valuable experience!
Evaluation from Cathrine:

Evaluation from klaiber:

I can recommend CENAC in EstelĂ. I stayed 4 weeks in a very friendly host family and took in the morning spanish lessons at CENAC. I learned a lot of spanish because I always had to speak spanish (in my classes and in my familiy) . CENAC is very well organized and has a very good program.
Evaluation from Abbyenelmundo:

Great school! They will do anything for you to feel comfortable and welcome. The only reason why my parents let me come to Nica is because Maria was so nice and professional answer back their worried emails. LOTS of stuff included for the price, cant beat it!
Popular Phrase: caer in the preterite | Spanish Lessons | Conjugated Verb: copiar - to copy [ click for full conjugation ]
Everything I am learning here is practical and useful. They do not teach language theory as they do in my college.