Ratings and Comments for Whee Institute
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Student ratings for Whee Institute
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from velarozo:

Evaluation from nyffy:

If you want to learn Spanish fast and easy, Whee is your place to go. We spent one month in Bogotá and had three lessons a day. Most of the time we we're just us two and Sonia, our teacher. Sebastian, the institute's founder searched her specifically for our needs. We wanted to be able to communicate with people and only spend as much time as necessary on grammatics. Sonia fullfilled our requests perfectly. We spent our time asking us through the city, in a travel agency, listening to songs with different Spanish accents and so on. In short, we learned enough to be self sustained in just a month. Sebas organized also the perfect homestay for us, a really nice family who liked to teach us more and cooked better than anywhere else in Colombia. And Sebas gives us some travel support from time to time even now, two months after we left Bogotá. So we really found friends at Whee, and I'm confident to tell you, that whee is the right place for your Spanish, doesn't matter where your focus lies!
Evaluation from Alfonsom:

Evaluation from muybien:

Evaluation from Allyp29:

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This is a new Institute, I liked their methodology very much. As they are small, the facilities are improving but are few options yet. The Teacher was fun and they were all very kind. And of couse the Spanish class was above my expectations.