Ratings and Comments for Centro Catalina Spanish School
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Student ratings for Centro Catalina Spanish School
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from JOHN:

Evaluation from DeborahLM:

Evaluation from nanylinda:

Super!!! très bonne école ....profs très sympas et super ambiance tropicale!!!!!
Evaluation from Estacio76:

Evaluation from Nhrenteria:

Evaluation from Tlaloc:

Evaluation from Magali:

Great school ever !!! Excellent courses quality and accommodations. Highly recommended.
Evaluation from Maryam:

<3 <3 <3
Evaluation from philippetrione:

the school is situated in a beautiful place of the historical old city. Teachers are very cool. I felt a very good energy out there! Had a lot of fun going out together! ahora hablo un poquito espanol ;)
Evaluation from brittmorgan:

Evaluation from kyee13:

Great school - patient but more importantly with book and effective games for exercises and conversations. Not simply just "talking" but actually teaching. Very very happy with the school. Down side, Cartegena/Colombia is so much more expensive than other parts of Latin America -- but truly a great school
Evaluation from ivapitufo:

I had an amazing time at Centro Catalina :-) Everybody is really friendly and helpful. You can improve your Spanish not only in a classroom, but also during the various exciting trips and after school activities. And beside all that, Colombia and specially Cartagena is a great place to study Spanish !!
Evaluation from winnerryan:

Popular Phrase: ir conjugations | Spanish Games | Conjugated Verb: detestar - to detest, hate [ click for full conjugation ]